
Imad 10: Seven's Sentence Part 16

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Seven's Sentence Part 16
Helen proceeded to absorb the damage she caused to the 4 villains to restore her health. Pearl got up back on her feet and tried to wake up the others. Imad, Xadim and John were among the first to wake up, she told them: “Guys, nothing we do seems to be able to kill her, she just reflects the damage back at us and regains health.” –“Damn, said John annoyed, her energy being nature makes her almost impossible to destroy.” –“If only we can siphon her energy away,” continued Xadim. –“If only we had a weapon capable of hurting her and doing that, some magical sword or something…”, pondered Imad. –“GUYS! THAT’S IT!” Pearl. The 3 heroes regained hope hearing some happiness in Pearl’s voice. –“What’s the plan, Pearl?” asked Imad steadily. –“First, wake up the Seven and gather them here, we need their help to fulfill the plan.” Imad and the others woke up the seven who were still a bit drowsy from the beating they took. –“Awch, my head, said Fallen-Star, aren’t we all dead yet?” –“Not while we still have something to say,” said John determined. Everyone gathered around Pearl, who explained her plan: -“If I’m correct, the Mana bracelets you have to amplify your power can be turned into Mana draining machines, if the Mana flow nature inside them is reversed. John, being part Anodite, can use a reversing spell to do the trick. I will then equip the bracelets to my Proto-Tool and use it as a weapon capable of weakening Helen enough to stop her for good.” –“What shall we do about the doomsday device?” asked Drain-Ergy. –“Once Helen is down, said Xadim, I will use this (he took out his own null void projector from his pocket) to send the bomb to Astra-Bar galaxy, a world made entirely of energy. The Anti-Matter bomb won’t be able to damage it.” –“Then do it”, said Fallen-Star adamantly. “Seven, give the Anodite hybrid your power bracelets.” When John received the bracelets, he recited a spell which gave them a purple aura. Pearl used some of the tools she always has with her to infuse them electronically with her Proto-Tool. But just as she was done, Bio-Tox snatched the weapon from her and turned it into a laser sword with a Dark blue beam-blade. –“What gives?” Said Pearl annoyed. –“Listen, woman, said Bio-Tox calmly. Even with the weapon draining her energy, she might still be too strong for you to neutralize safely and efficiently, and take you down along with everyone else if her plan succeeds. Let me do one last thing right. As we speak, my life fluids are being drained away from my system (he pointed to his damaged chemical pipes). I want to slay the demon who ruined my old friend's and the Seven's lives before i die.”
Pearl didn’t say anything. Even though Bio-Tox's humane side was twisted beyond recognition and he was mostly driven by a burning desire for revenge, she could still feel a shard of nobility inside him underneath his murderous demeanor. Bio-Tox let out a battle Cry and charged at Helen, who proceeded to attack him with energy balls. Bio-Tox dodged some and deflected some with his sword before sliding down on his feet and slicing her hair tendrils connected to the Core. She screamed in agony as her energy hair began losing its shine. She grabbed him with a giant hair tendril and started squeezing him, slowly crushing what’s left of his armor. However, he freed his arm and throw the sword with extreme precision, right at her heart. When the sword struck her, black lightning emanated from her wound and she began emanating dark sparks. However, she was still strong enough to create mana blasts so powerful then when they hit Bio-Tox, they destroyed almost completely what’s left of his armor. She then walked towards him to finish him, and said coldly, the sword still planted in her heart: “Any last words before you all perish, Brian dear?” Bio-Tox got up with difficulty, his helmet being cracked. It fell off, revealing the most horribly maimed, mauled disfigured face a human could have. –“Take a good look,” said Bio-Tox wheezing, “Look at the monster you made me turn into. Helen, I will use my remaining strength to grant you one last wish. You and i, we will both be together, forever... EVEN IN DEATH!” Bio-Tox charged at her, grabbing her and nailing her to the Doomsday weapon which had just a few more minutes before detonating. Helen struggled and fought back, lacing on Bio-Tox a few hits and knocking him back. That’s when this happened.
Imad saw all the remaining member of the Seven, severely bruised, burnt and bleeding, their armors ravaged, running towards Brian to lend him a hand. They all attacked Helen in unison, and due to the sword weakening her greatly, she was unable to defend herself efficiently. She continued struggling as they nailed her to the bomb, trying to escape. Bio-Tox got up on his feet, breathing harder than ever, and joined his team into retaining the enemy. He turned towards Xadim and yelled: “Do I Have to hold a sign, kid? SEND HER AND THE BOMB TO THE ENERGY WORLD!” –“But you’re in the projector’s trajectory, you’ll be sent there too!” yelled Xadim nervously. –“The bomb will explode, there is no time left, DO IT NOW!” Yelled Bio-Tox. –“But... I cannot let you die like this!” yelled Xadim nervous and trembling. –“Boy, added Bio-Tox calmly in a melancholic tone, Our time in this world is at its end. The Seven couldn't take hold of the world, but we would sooner be damned than let oblivion do so instead. The hell we've endured twisted us into monsters, but we retain some shred of humanity. *COUGH COUGH* I beg you, lad, Let us die fighting on our own terms, not on our knees.” While Xadim was quite uncomfortable about carrying on this action, he reminded himself that sometimes, being a hero means having to do what no one should have to. The burden of saving the world and putting the Seven out of their misery was resting now on his shoulders. Xadim fired the beam at the Seven, Helen and the bomb, which all disappeared and reappeared in the Astra-Bar energy Galaxy.
In the Astra-Bar Galaxy, the doomsday weapon, the seven and Helen materialized inside an energy nebula with breathable atmosphere. –“1 minute to destruction”, said the machine’s robotic voice. Fallen-Star said in an unusually emotional and trembling voice for her stoic demeanor: -“Seven, it was an honor being your leader. I only regret us having to part away in those less than ideal circumstances.” –“I wish I hadn't put so much time in my studies while forgetting about my life outside classes,” said Ray-Wave regretfully. -"Don't sweat it, Alice, said Echo-Wave compassionately. I spent my life seeking thrills and violently pushing away anyone that approached me, I'm at least glad you guys became my friends. That Hars guy seemed somewhat nice too.” –“I say, my fellow villains, uttered Drain-Ergy, I wouldn't want to trade the experience of being at your side you for anything. Unfortunately, all good things eventually come to an end.” –“Wait, you’re leaving?! Exclaimed Cryo-Flame saddened. Are we ever going to see you again?” –“Don’t worry, buddy,” said Cyber-Fiend giving Samson a friendly Noogy, we will all hopefully meet again in another life.” –“Yay! shouted Samson happily, I thought we were gonna die, or even leave each other forever!” Bio-Tox looked at his comrades one last time, sobbing and saying: “I, Brian Long, member of the Sociopath Seven, have finally reached the end of my path. My friends, my family, Minerva Gravius, Theodore Cratchit, Francis Blazen, Rachelle Von Blitz, Alice Jehavits and Samson Fritz are there to keep me company during my last moments. My only regret is that the one being i truly loved as a soulmate is lost for good, with me putting her body down by my own hands, for the greater good.” Suddenly, he heard Helen’s human voice near him : “Brian? Is That you?” Bio-Tox immediately turned around to see Helen in her human form, with the sword still stuck in her chest. He floated towards her and touched her hand. She looked at his face and horrified, she uttered: “Brian, i... I'm dreadfully sorry. I never wanted to bring harm towards any of you. It was that demon...” –“Calm down, angel, said Brian silencing Helen with his hand on her lips "I would never hold or blame any of this on you". He hugged her tightly and murmured with melancholy in her ear: “Close your eyes, Helen, I promise to stay with you towards the very end.” No fully sure of what is happening, Helen trusted her dear friend, closed her eyes and embraced him tightly. Brian spoke with tears descending from his eyes -“My Family is finally back together. With the evil exorcised from her soul, Helen Kaslin is right back where she always wanted to belong: next to my heart. And I am where I always belonged, with all of my family.” Suddenly, from afar, the Nebula in which the seven and Helen were became a whole lot brighter.
Imad 10 John 14
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